Scioto Valley Baptist Association began on January 8, 1954 with 4 churches - Emmanuel Baptist, Jackson; First Baptist, Athens; First Baptist, Waverly, and North Portsmouth Baptist. Through out the years Scioto Valley Baptist Association has expanded within the 10 county area. Today there are 32 congregations within Southeastern Ohio. These congregations are reaching and ministering to the people within their communities.
Scioto Valley Baptist Association is a partnership of local, autonomous, Southern Baptist Churches that have chosen to align with each other to effect spiritual transformation within our communities. Although SVBA is comprised of many different churches we share a common theology and mission.
Our doctrinal belief is based on "The Baptist Faith and Mesaage" of The Southern Baptist Convention. Each of our congregations are autonomous but cooperate together to be able to reach more people for the Kingdom of Christ. We are affiliated with The State Convention of Baptists in Ohio and The Southern Baptist Convention.
What is an Association
An Association is a family of churches and missions working together in order to reach specific communities for Christ. The founding fathers of The Southern Baptist Convention realized the concept of working together in order to reach specific communities for Christ as an essential part of kingdom growth. A mission effort focusing upon the same ethnic, cultural, financial and moral status proved to be most effective. Whether large or small, the community with this common bond binds them together through the love of God. Working together as an association can be more effective than as an individual church as more communities may be reached. Out of this concept of cooperation, the local association was born.
An Association does ministry through "Ministry" by encouraging the churches to be an "On Mission" congregation, to pray for spiritual renewal among our communities, provide training to develop and encourage church leaders. The association provides opportunities for churches to work together in missions, ministry, growth and through evangelism.
An Association establishes and maintains communication between not only the churches but between our churches and denomination. Associational programs are planned and the stewardship of the resources are managed.
We are seeking prayer partners to lift up our congregations and new church plants in prayer. Take a moment to click on the hands, then read through and pray for the congregations.
Would you consider supporting the mission and evangelistic efforts of the SVBA? Can you send a team to Southern Ohio to help with outreach? Click on the hands for more info.
We are seeking healthy partner churches and individuals with a desire to start new churches - congregations throughout the Scioto Valley region. Click on the hands for more info.