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4045 Georges Creek Road
Gallipolis, Ohio  45631
Phone:  740-446-0188
Organized:  1972


PASTOR:  Rev. Morgan McKinniss

Sunday School - 10:00am
Sunday Worship - 11:00am
Sunday Worship - 6:00pm
Wednesday - 6:00pm
Thursday- Ladies' Bible Study- 6:00pm


Membership: 66
Worship Attendance: 67
Sunday School Average:  55
Vacation Bible School: 57
Youth Ministry
Senior Adult Ministry
Ladies Bible Study
Nursing Home Ministry
Prayer Ministry

Location:  Gallia County
Population of Gallipolis:  3,644
Community:  3.6 square miles
- River Community
Average age:  44
Average Income:  $32,042
Ancestry-German, United States
Time To Work:  22 minutes
Nearest Towns:
- Bidwell – 11.3 miles
- Rio Grande – 13 miles
- Education, Health
- Social Services
- Gallia Academy
- Washington Elementary School
- Green Elementary School
- Addaville Elementary School


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Good News Baptist Church became a reality on November 12, 1972, in the home of Henry (Hank) and Garnet Hatten.  Shortly thereafter the fellowship moved to Georges Creek Road to the "Old Cook  Chapel" building.  Raymond and Grace Barr allowed the group to meet there.

The building had one large room with a raised stage with two small rooms in the back.  One of these rooms housed the fuel oil furnace.  The restroom consisted of a path to a little building at the end.

The church made the building a place of worship and fellowship.  On December 6, 1972, the church had their first service.  That night they chose the name "Good News Baptist Church".

The church was incorporated March 6, 1973 and was constituted on May 6, 1973 with 39 charter members.  On April 22, 1974, the church called their first full time pastor, Bro. Jospeh Blevins.  On September 22, 1974, the church became part of The Scioto Valley Baptist Association.

In 1982, a groundbreaking service was held for a new sanctuary.  With much prayer, sacrifice and hard work, along with help from Carpenters For Christ, the sanctuary was completed.  Dedication of the new sanctuary was on March 4, 1983.

The church was outgrowing the educational and fellowship building.  The congregation had been in prayer regarding God's will for a new educational and family center.  This would allow them to greatly improve the teaching and the training ministries by offering a much larger space for family and fellowship activities.

On March 30, 1997, the church kicked off "Challenge to Build".  God was faithful and the membership surpassed the goal of $70,000.  In 1998, the plans for the new educational and family center was finalized. Volunteers from the church worked hard to get the area ready to build.

June 1999, work began on the new building.  Carpenters for Christ, again, came to help in this endeavor.  March 2001 Good News Baptist Church met all the regulations and was given permission to occupy the new building.  April 1, 2001, a grand opening celebration and dedication of the the new educational building was held.  A time of fellowship and dinner followed the morning worship service.

A mission team from North Carolina provided an evangelistic outreach to the community in 2008.  They also were able to repair the roof of the parsonage.  A Community Fall Festival was held in 2009 with a Chilli Cook-Off, Health Fair and School Supplies Distribution.  A Back to School Bash was held in August 2014.

Throughout the congregation there is a renewed spirit for missions and evangelism.  Future mission trips are in the planning stages.

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